Ticket control devices
For a secure inspection infrastructure and reliable ticketing system krauth technology offers a range of different entrance control systems either as mobile or stationary units. From the tried and tested mechanical dot-matrix ticket validator to the electronic chip card terminal we are certain to have the right solution for your company.
Electronic entrance control system:
kt 0114
Smart eTicketing solution for your vehicles
Get to know the modern entry-level control system kt 0114 and convince yourself of the functionalities, which have a wide range of applications. With the multitude of possibilities to validate tickets at our systems and the simple operator guidance, no entry remains uncontrolled. Data checking & evaluation is not carried out in the control unit itself, but is outsourced to an on-board computer or vending machine. A solution that saves you high costs for SAMs and further hardware infrastructure.
- Mobile solution for buses and trains or for stationary use
- Suitable for boarding control (check-in / check-out), ticket checking & validation
- Processing of electronic tickets (chip card tickets)
- Processing of barcode tickets (VDV-KA, Handy-Ticket, etc.)
- Possible application of open systems such as ABT (Account Based Ticketing) and IDBT (ID-Based Ticketing)
- Communication via on-board computer / ticket printer
- Playback of audio files
- No loss of time due to simple operating concept
- Quick and easy installation on bus bars or at any mounting location
- Also available as OEM solution with basic software
Intelligent eTicketing solution for your vehicles
Our kt 0114

Our control devices as check-in check-out terminals
With our control terminal kt 0114 not only the validation of tickets is possible, but also the boarding control of accompanying passengers and the display of the destination. All information is automatically transferred from the server to the device after the driver logs on. The device is operated via barcode scanner and touch screen. Driver log-in can be done via an app on the smartphone or logging in on the on-board computer. Passengers can then log in with their barcode when boarding and check out again when disembarking. Reading and replaying booked seats is also no problem. Barcodes are accepted from the smartphone and in printed form.
Our control units as an OEM solution
With the help of our kt 0114 control unit you can quickly implement your entry-level control applications ready for the market.
Our entry-level control systems are supplied with basic software. This contains all the components you need to implement your applications with individual operating sequences of any complexity. You do not have to worry about the internal implementation of the functionality or the specific control of the hardware. We have already done that for you.
Mechanical ticket validator:
kt 0108
Ticket validation at the highest level
The kt 0108 is a reliable ticket validator that stands out above all for its perfect design, easy handling and long service life. The mechanical ticket validator is based on proven dot-matrix technology and the holding plates is in line with the market standard. The ticket validator can be inserted into the housing without any need of tool. All electronic and mechanical components are housed in a robust, powder-coated steel casing with a security lock and are optimally protected against vandalism.
The kt 0108 is the ideal system for validating paper tickets and is suitable for use indoor at the bus or train and also outdoor.
- Robust and compact dot matrix printer
- Lightning-fast print/validation after ticket presentation
- Possible deactivation of the ticket print during a check
- Suitable for multi-trip and strip tickets
- Automatic switching from IBIS to independent operation
- Automatic generation of time data by internal clock and date module
- Easy transfer of firmware, parameter and layout changes via USB stick
- Low maintenance and service friendly
- Uncomplicated exchange of ink ribbon
- Tool-free exchange via "Plug-and-Play”

Simple plug & play concept

Validator - retaining plate

Validator with two locks
Do you have any questions about our Ticket control devices?
Our sales team will be happy to advise you and answer any questions you may have.